Thursday, June 29, 2006



Tuesday, June 27, 2006




After Lunch

Looking young has its benefits too - at least the credit card salesperson won't approach.


Monday, June 26, 2006

敲着黑色的键盘,那清晰的声音;拿起乌黑的碳笔,望着沾满碳灰的手和那张白色的纸,我的心却早已远去。也许,没有人可以在原地停留-我们都飘泊在时间的河 流中。有的人坐在庞大的战舰里头,不管多大的风浪都能驾驭自如;有的人只抱着脆弱的救生圈,随着缘分的波浪飘去。我走在人群中,有太多的擦肩而过,太少的 同路人。宁静的夜晚,罕有的不安,这才发现,我远去的心原来在追逐着能够让我停泊的你。

Lousy Day

I feel so lousy today, or strictly speaking yesterday. Ok, the lousy day is 25th of June. To recall, it started with one of my bosses calling me when I was just about to do my wonderful big business in the toilet, asking me why I didn't turn up for work when I was supposedly scheduled to work. It turned out to be a misunderstanding on his part but it was enough to disturb the calm serene relief which I was looking forward to. Then I went to the some hairdressing salon to cut my thick hair since it is getting hot and stuffy. So it goes like this - "How would you like your hair to be cut?" "I don't really know, just do what you deem fit." And I came out looking like an ah beng porcupine. Not that it is not nice, just that it is a bit different from how I look usually. So after a case of affected mood and uncertainty about my looks, I came to terms with myself that I must start on the videos since I must hand over the tapes the day after, and in the end all the rewinding and forwarding made my head spin. Now I am eating ice cream to cheer myself up, wasting my 5km running effort today, while my 50mb download of the charity fiesta logos gets interrupted at 62% because of my unstable wireless connection.

I shall take a deep breath and tell myself that tomorrow would be better.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fun and Happiness

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I guess fun and happiness are two different kinds of things.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I am looking for some kind of courage. And I am just about to find it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Snow City

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What a tiring job... But sometimes it is worth it.

To Pick Up My Brush Again

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Today I looked at my easel and on it sat the portrait of my sister. Behind the colours lies a monochrome portrait. Behind the blacks and whites lies lines of diluted burnt sienna. Behind the lines lies several layers of flake white and titanium buff. And behind the several layers lies the monochrome portrait of myself.

After this painting was done I did not touch my brush and palette again, and my mediums went dry. I told myself that if I have nothing to paint for, I would wait. It seems like I am to pick up my brush again.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Perhaps it is like candy. Sweet taste but tooth decay.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sitting, Waiting

Today I sat down and my mind wandered away. Perhaps I shouldn't have sat down for so long, and in the future I would try not to. There are so many questions in my mind. Perhaps if I keep walking and not ask, the answers will come eventually.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Art of Laziness and Sleep

A lot of people say that I sleep a lot and that I am lazy. My parents and siblings say so, on days when I would wake up only at noon to have my lunch, then go back to my lovely dreamland until dinner time, and closing my eyes once more when the clock strikes midnight. My classmates say so when I dropped my head on the desk as the lecturer is droning away, only to wake up when a kind soul tapped me on the shoulder. My army friends say so when I fall asleep in situations where they cannot relax e.g. lots of mosquitos and insects. Nearly everyone who has met me think that I have a sleepy face.

But you know, sleeping a lot and being lazy are two different things altogether.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Being Happy

Being happy equals to being relaxed.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Line 3 and the Eraser

Can I erase the line?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Line 2

Since I see that her line doesn't want to be crossed by me, I shall turn back and walk within my own boundaries. Perhaps I will wait, perhaps I will not. Nowadays I don't really know.


The line - a boundary which separates.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Touch and Go

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I am like walking on the line, pondering, and I don't really know whether I should cross it.

Sunset of June 8th

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The sun sets today and plunges the city into darkness, but it will rise tomorrow. No matter how hard the road gets, I believe that it will be worth it at the end. Today I see some light and I remember the dream which kept me going during the darkest days. It is dark no more, and it is time to wake up.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Getting a Hold

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Normally, this would be a post which goes something like this - "Rain brings wetness, and a colour bridge from the mountains to the limits of the skies. But you must climb the mountain in the rain." or "The rainbow only exist after the rain and perhaps that is why it is beautiful. A beautiful illusion which is starting to wither away as I run towards it." But I am not really in a normal kind of mood so I decide not to hide under the layers of imagery and be a little more specific.

For me, things in life have always turn out in a way opposite to what I badly want them to be. It ranges from little things like always missing the bus when I am running late, to bigger things like appearing stupid in front of a person I want to impress. So, falling rather many times along my 20 years, I become a person who is not so attached to things, or in other words, anything goes. But it isn't that easy to be detached always and I am still learning.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sunset of June 6th

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Living simply.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


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A 5 minute sketch I did at the orchard library. So much fun to do this kind of thing than to draw a full scale work. Don't have to care about ruining hard work. Just the process and never mind the result. But I don't seem to be able to do quick sketches decently at home, always ending up with a stupid mess of lines and shades, perhaps because without the prying eyes of strangers.


I was on the LRT with my nose pressed against the door, and with each passing station, the torture grew. South View, Keat Hong ... Phoenix, Bukit Panjang.

I walked out of the station and saw the half moon hovering above the buildings which hold its viewers.

It was waiting to be completed.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

On the Edgy Stones

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Like a blind man seeing the morning sun reflected in the shimmering dew for the first time, the flowers grow on the barren land and it is barren no more.